Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Physical Therapy

Before Lily got her cast on, we stopped and had an initial consultation with the physical therapist she will be seeing.  There were a few things he did with her, and noted she has a lot of trigger points for her foot in her calf.  He also noted that she has a Babinski reflex.

 "The Babinski reflex is obtained by stimulating the outside of the sole of the foot, causing extension of the big toe while fanning the other toes. The examiner begins the stimulation at the heel and goes forward to the base of the toes. Most newborn babies and young infants are not neurologically mature, and they therefore show a Babinski reflex. A Babinski reflex in an older child or an adult is abnormal and is a sign of a problem in the brain or spinal cord. A Babinski reflex that is present on one side but not the other is also abnormal, and it can indicate which side of the brain is involved." 

We set up a month's worth of PT twice a week, once her cast is off.  Hopefully the PT will help immensely. 

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