Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 15 ~ First Physical Therapy Appointment

Lily had her first PT today, and it was very interesting, or so I'm told.  It was the first appointment since we started this journey with Lily that I didn't take her to. :(  And dad is not great at remembering details or asking questions.

Jason, the PT, did lots of work on her, and said he feels she has nerve damage in the L3, 4, and 5 area.  Timothy (dad) and Lily both told him that's where she fell a few years ago (2007) and hurt her back along the spine.  He asked them to have me email a picture.  Here is what she did:

It was discovered that Lily doesn't have any balance for her hips either.  One hip is also slightly off than the other, but that is due to the tightening of the muscles.

She was given some exercises to do, so I hope she follows through with them (she doesn't take well to us telling her what to do).

Hopefully I can attend her next PT on Monday and ask lots more questions.

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