Tuesday, May 19, 2015

April 27 ~ Mold taken and cast on!

Off to the Hanger Clinic to get Lily's mold taken for her orthotics.  We learned a lot about her orthotist, Russ.  He's been working with them for a long time.

Here is the mold of her foot up to almost her knee:

Before we left, I asked if Lily could pick out colors for her DAFO, and Ross looked at her and said "I thought a nice young lady like yourself would just want white so it doesn't bring attention to you."  To which Lily replied, "I have to wear it all the time, so I want to make it mine.  Of course I want it colored!"  Proud mommy moment!
Here is the pattern she picked out:

We were originally told it would take 1-2 weeks; however when we went to schedule pick-up, we were scheduled a month out!  Now we have to wait until May 26th.  Ugh.

After we left Hanger, we went to Dr. MacDougall's office (pediatric orthopedic surgeon) to have her foot put into a cast for two weeks.  She didn't have to get it done, but the pos thought it would be beneficial psychologically to get her prepared, and also to see if her foot would stretch.  When we told her it wouldn't be until May 26th, she suggested having Lily re-cast in 2 weeks.  So we set her appointment for then.

She picked out an awesome blue color for the cast.  The pediatric orthopedic surgeon kept layering the cast and was quite thick and heavy when she was done.  Lol.

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