Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month, and Fundraiser!

May is Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month!

Though we do not know if a stroke caused Lily's hemiparesis, it is possible based on her signs and symptoms that is what happened.

I have found some awesome support online at CHASA and their Facebook page, CHASA.  Through them, I have contacted Governor Scott Walker to declare May as Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month in WI.

A fundraiser page has also been set up to raise a bit of money to help other families purchase orthotics NEEDED for their children but insurance won't cover.  Fortunately, our insurance covers them for LIly, but we'd like to help others out, even if it's just a little bit.  Please consider donating! If you are unable to give monetarily, I would love it if you could share the links!

Lily's Muscle Journey Crowdrise

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