Monday, May 25, 2015

May 22 ~ PT #3

Although the pt and exercises seem to be helping, Jason feels Lily would benefit from  Trigger-point Dry Needling.

"TDN is an effective therapy to treat muscular tension and spasm which commonly accompanies conditions such as arthritis, nerve irritation, muscular strain, ligament strains and herniated discs."
Taken from : What is TDN?

At her next appointment, which is May 28, she will be having the TDN done.  Hopefully it helps!!


  1. Hoping for the new therapy to work. Sounds like Jason knows a thing or two. Lily......I will be watching your journey, do what you need to. Prayers coming your way also. xoxo Susi

  2. Dont know if you got my first comment. Anyhow I said I hope your new therapy works for you. I will be watching your journey so do what you need to (even if you hate the exercises). Prayers coming your way. xoxox Susi
